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SOLD everything. Thanks! WTS - CLA180 Parts for grabs (intercooler, BOV, Turbo Muffler delete, MST intake, Rims & Tires)


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Hi All

Will be letting go of my beloved ride. 
Below items for sale

  1. Intercooler: Brand (I just call it Benny brand as bought from Dynotechnica): $480https://www.carousell.sg/p/cla180-intercooler-w117-1305642002/?t-id=1357944_1716432643497&t-referrer_browse_type=search_results&t-referrer_page_type=search&t-referrer_request_id=PP7UKvHPwlQi2fZU&t-referrer_search_query=intercooler cla&t-referrer_search_query_source=direct_search&t-referrer_sort_by=popular&t-tap_index=7
  2. MST Intake: Brand MST: $500https://www.carousell.sg/p/cla180-mst-intake-w117-1305638221/?t-id=1357944_1716432643497&t-referrer_browse_type=seller&t-referrer_page_type=profile&t-referrer_request_id=EXSmOA2Y8LSVgvxR&t-tap_index=2
  3. Rims and Tyres: need swop + top up $1380 https://www.carousell.sg/p/18”-leonis-navia-07-wedssport-rim-with-almost-new-ps5-tyres-1305640238/?t-id=1357944_1716432643497&t-referrer_browse_type=seller&t-referrer_page_type=profile&t-referrer_request_id=EXSmOA2Y8LSVgvxR&t-tap_index=1
    1. Rim: Wedssport Ori 5x112 et40 18" with zero scratches. bout 10-1yr todate very very well taken cared of. just 1 rim was touched up due to scratch so good as new
    2. Tyre: Michelin PS5 bought in end Feb this year. very meaty. 
  4. BOV: Brand GFB: this is BOV and not diverter valve so have woosh sound. $150
  5. Turbo muffler delete: Brand Mach 5. $100

Strong recommendation to take all performance parts as a bundle ie. 1,2,4,5. I can do bundle but please do not low ball. Bundle pricing will be 1100 and you can use the savings for your own labor. 
All items do not need swop except for rims/tyres. Keep your ori for reinstatment next time. 

Message me on whatsapp to deal. Car goes next week. Thanks. 


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  • zefiroz27 changed the title to SOLD everything. Thanks! WTS - CLA180 Parts for grabs (intercooler, BOV, Turbo Muffler delete, MST intake, Rims & Tires)
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