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Knocking sound at the engine side while driving


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Hi Guys!

I’m driving c180k 2011.

Need some advice. I’ve recently change my suspension to BC BR coilovers a few months back. It’s been good so far but recently I experiencing knocking sound while driving on a bumpy road surface.

I’ve been trying to diagnose to check if there is any rocks or lose parts but I can’t seem to see what’s the issue. Initially I thought it was due to the bottom cover and I’ve removed it but the sound still comes even after removing it.

Any of you have any idea what it is due to?


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Changing your ride height changes the geometry of your suspension, meaning any related parts that were within spec limits at factory height, may in fact be at their limits now.  Being a 10yr old car, you'll need to make sure the rest of your suspension components aren't worn out - ball joints, rubber bushings, mounts.  Check the control arm bushings, tie rod ends, swaybar mounts and end links.  Something's gotta give down there.

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